Helper: admin/util/editable

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Helper to make inline editable content. Supports single-line text, paragraph text, and select boxes for input.


1. Load this handler either in your handler:

$this->run (
    array (
        'url' => '/myapp/editable'

Or anywhere in your view:

{! admin/util/editable?url=/myapp/editable !}

2. Mark your editable areas in your view template via:

<h2 class="editable-text" id="{{id}}">{{name}}</h2>

<p class="editable-textarea" id="{{id}}"

<!-- select with options, note the single-quotes -->
<p class="editable-select" id="{{id}}"

<!-- add a delete button -->
<h2 class="editable-text" id="2"
    data-delete="/myapp/category/delete">Category Title</h2>

Valid classes for editable elements currently include:

  • .editable-text
  • .editable-textarea
  • .editable-select

The plugin reads the following properties of the HTML element as the edit options:

  • id - The ID of the object to be updated
  • data-property - The name of the property to be updated
  • data-url - Overrides the default URL to POST updates to for this element
  • data-delete - An alternate URL to POST deletes to (and includes a 'Delete' button)
  • data-options - A JSON-encoded object containing the available select options

id is the only required property. data-options is required for select options.

Server-side handling

The URL that handles saving the value will receive the following parameters:

  • id - The ID of the object to be updated
  • property - The name of the property to be updated (if set via data-property)
  • value - The new property value
  • type - The type of input (text, textarea, select)
  • label - For select inputs, this is the label of the selected value

The handler should respond with the escaped value parameter, except for select inputs which should return the escaped label parameter. For example:


$page->layout = false;

$obj = myapp\MyModel ($_POST['id']);
$obj->{$_POST['name']} = $_POST['value'];
$obj->put ();

if ($_POST['type'] === 'select') {
    echo Template::sanitize ($_POST['label']);
echo Template::sanitize ($_POST['value']);

To send an error message, use the following code:

$this->add_notification (__ ('Unable to save changes.'));
echo $this->error (500, 'Error message');

To add a notification upon successful requests, you can also use the Controller's add_notification() method:

$this->add_notification (__ ('Changes saved.'));
echo Template::sanitize ($_POST['value']);