Hooks, Elefant's event system

Elefant implements a system of triggering one or more handlers when a particular event or action has occurred, which we call hooks. Similar to the idea of WebHooks, this provides a means of triggering handlers without hard-coding the specific handlers to trigger, so that you can modify them independently of the original code.

Hooks are particularly useful when one or more actions depend on another, such as keeping a search index up-to-date when a page has been modified.

There are three components to hooks in Elefant:

  1. The [Hooks] section of the global config
  2. The handler that triggers the hooks
  3. The handlers that respond to the hook event


Hooks can be named anything you want, but it is good practice to name them after the handler that triggers them so you can easily look them up, although it is possible to trigger the same hook from multiple handlers. Here's how a hook looks in the config:

admin/add[] = search/add

This says that the search/add handler should respond when the admin/add hook is triggered. You can also specify multiple handlers to the same hook like this:

admin/add[] = search/add
admin/add[] = anotherapp/add

Triggering a hook on an event

Triggering a hook takes only one line of code:


$this->hook ('admin/delete', array ('page' => $id));


The first parameter is the hook name, and the second is an associative array of data that will be passed to the responding handlers.

Responding to an event

There are several things to consider in hook response handlers:

  1. Do we need to limit access to this handler?
  2. Verifying data values
  3. Accessing the hook event data

If we need to restrict access and make sure that only another request inside Elefant is accessing the response handler, we can check the $this->internal value:


if (! $this->internal) die ('Must be called by another handler');


As for verifying data values, we can use the input validation features for that.

Finally, you can access data passed to your handler through the $this->data array, e.g., $this->data['page'] for the data from the example above.

Note that most hooks expect no output in response. page/render is one exception, where any output tells it that your hook is acting as a filter on the input provided.

For example, to add a "™" next to any mention of "Acme Co.", you could write:


if (! $this->internal) die ('Must be called by another handler');

echo str_replace (
    'Acme Co.',
    'Acme Co.&trade;',


Built-in hooks

Here is a list of hooks that are available by default:

  • admin/add
  • admin/edit
  • admin/delete
  • blocks/add
  • blocks/edit
  • blocks/delete
  • blog/add
  • blog/edit
  • blog/delete
  • page/render
  • user/add
  • user/edit
  • user/delete


Being a WebHooks consumer in Elefant is easy: Simply create a handler for it and give that handler's URL to the third party site. The third party should begin sending notifications to your handler, which you would handle just like any other request or RESTful request.

In creating a WebHook for consumption by other services, it's a good idea to wrap it in an ordinary Elefant hook so you can abstract it from the original code just like ordinary hooks. Then it's simply a matter of issuing a POST request to the third party service, either via http_post_fields(), cURL, or file_put_contents() with an HTTP POST stream. For example:


if (! $this->internal) die ('Must be called by another handler');

$res = http_post_fields (


Next: Writing command line scripts

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