Writing command line scripts

You can call an Elefant handler from the command line as follows:

php index.php myapp/myhandler

This can be handy for testing, but for commands that you want to only be accessible via the command line, and not be accessible to web browsers, you can add the following check at the top of your handler:


if (! $this->cli) die ('Must be run from the cli');


It's also a good idea to set $page->layout = false in your command line handlers, so that the output of your script doesn't get wrapped in a bunch of HTML tags.

Formatted output

You can use the Cli class to help format your command line output, including color codes for success, info, and error notices. For example:


// Default output
Cli::out ('Some info here...');

// Print an error message
Cli::out ('Error: Something bad happened.', 'error');

// Print a success message
Cli::out ('All is well, captain.', 'success');

// Print a block of text, with partial color
Cli::block ("Options: <info>one, two, three</info>\n");


Using Cli::block(), you can specify the following tags to color your command line output:

  • <success></success>
  • <error></error>
  • <info></info>

Extending the ./elefant commands

You can extend the available commands for the ./elefant command line utility by adding them to the conf/cli.php file in your app. For example:

; <?php /*

commands[myapp/mycommand] = Does something cool

; */ ?>

This will then list your command under the extended commands list and allow you to run it like this:

./elefant myapp/mycommand

See making your own apps for more info.

Next: Server-side helpers

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