Locking items while editing

Adding locking to prevent editing conflicts is easy in Elefant. Here is the usage pattern:


// Let's look for a lock on the 'about-us' page
$lock = new Lock ('Webpage', 'about-us');

if ($lock->exists ()) {
    // Editing is locked by another user
    $page->title = i18n_get ('Editing Locked');
    echo $tpl->render ('admin/locked', $lock->info ());
} else {
    // It's not locked, so let's lock it for ourselves
    $lock->add ();

// Proceed with our edits...

// When we want to remove the lock after saving our changes, we simply add this:
$lock->remove ();


The first part is to create a Lock object, giving it a type and identifier. In this case, that's Webpage and about-us. The type corresponds to the name of a Model-based class.

Next, if the $lock->exists(), which means that a lock held by another user exists, then we show them the admin/locked view with the $lock->info().

If not, we add() a lock for ourselves.

Once the edits have been made, we can remove() the lock so that others can edit the item.

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