JavaScript and Client Side Helpers

The following is a list of client-side helpers for app developers that are included in the Elefant CMS. Most of these are written as jQuery plugins and are loaded by including a handler in your view template (e.g., {! admin/util/modal !}).

$.add_notification (msg);

Adds a notification for the current admin user (jGrowl). This is the client-side equivalent of calling $this->add_notification() in any handler.


$(function () {
    $.add_notification ('The sky is falling!');


Available on any admin screen. Source is found in apps/admin/js/top-bar.js.

$.confirm_and_post (el, msg);

Adds a confirmation to a link and turns its data-* properties into a POST request.


<a  href=""/myapp/delete""
    onclick=""return $.confirm_and_post (this, '{""Are you sure?""}')""


Available on any admin screen. Source is found in apps/admin/js/top-bar.js.

$.expanded_section (options);

Turns a section of a form into an expandable/collapsible section.


<h4 id=""extras-header"">{""Extra options""}</h4>
<div id=""extras-section"">
    <!-- Extra content here -->

$(function () {
    $.expanded_section ({
        handle: '#extras-header',
        section: '#extras-section',
        visible: false


Available on any admin screen. Source is found in apps/admin/js/top-bar.js.

$.i18n (text);

Translates the specified text into the current user's language, if available. This is the JavaScript equivalent of calling __(text) in any handler, and is useful when you need to include translatable text in a .js file.


$(function () {
    // This will make the text available to $.i18n()
    $.i18n_append ({
        'Some text': '{""Some text""}',
        'Another string': '{""Another string""}'

    // Now fetch a translated string
    console.log ($.i18n ('Some text'));


Available on any admin screen. Source is found in apps/admin/js/top-bar.js.

$.open_dialog (title, html, options);

Opens a modal dialog (jQuery SimpleModal) with the specified title, html, and SimpleModal options.


{! admin/util/modal !}

$(function () {
    $.open_dialog ('Title', 'HTML goes here');


Available by including the admin/util/modal handler.

$.close_dialog ();

Closes the modal dialog opened by $.open_dialog ().


{! admin/util/modal !}

$(function () {
    $.close_dialog ();


Available by including the admin/util/modal handler.

{{ date_value|I18n::date }}

Converts date values to show in the current user's timezone. Uses the jQuery localize plugin. Filters include:

  • I18n::date
  • I18n::date_time
  • I18n::short_date
  • I18n::short_date_time
  • I18n::time


{! admin/util/dates !}

{{ date_value|I18n::date_time }}


Available by including the admin/util/dates handler.

$.filebrowser (options);

Provides a modal dialog to browse for files. Options include:

  • allowed: An array of allowed file extensions.
  • callback: A function that will be called with the chosen file link.
  • set_value: The selector of an input field to update with the chosen file link.
  • thumbs: Whether to show thumbnails instead of file names. Note: Also automatically sets allowed list to jpeg, png, and gif formats so you don't have to set allowed explicitly.
  • title: A custom title for the dialog window.


{! filemanager/util/browser !}

<input type=""text"" id=""file"" size=""30"" />
<input type=""submit"" id=""browse"" value=""{""Browse""}"" />

$(function () {
    $('#browse').click (function () {
        $.filebrowser ({
            title: '{""Choose an image""}',
            set_value: '#file',
            thumbs: true


Available by including the filemanager/util/browser handler.

$.multi_file (options);

Provides a multi-file selector based on the file browser from filemanager/util/browser. Options include:

  • field: The selector of an input field to update with the list.
  • preview: The selector of an element to use to contain the list preview.


{! filemanager/util/multi-file !}

    {""Attach files""}:
    <div id=""preview""></div>
    <input type=""hidden"" name=""files"" id=""files"" />

$(function () {
    $.multi_file ({
        field: '#files',
        preview: '#preview'

This helper stores the list of files as a string delimited by | characters, for example:



Available by including the filemanager/util/multi-file handler.

$.multi_image (options);

Provides a multi-image selector based on the file browser from filemanager/util/browser. Options include:

  • field: The selector of an input field to update with the list.
  • preview: The selector of an element to use to contain the list preview.


{! filemanager/util/multi-image !}

    {""Attach images""}:
    <div id=""preview""></div>
    <input type=""hidden"" name=""images"" id=""images"" />

$(function () {
    $.multi_image ({
        field: '#images',
        preview: '#preview'

This helper stores the list of images as a string delimited by | characters, for example:



Available by including the filemanager/util/multi-image handler.

$.userchooser (options);

Provides a modal dialog to browse for users. Options include:

  • callback: A function that will be called with the chosen user id, name, and email.
  • chosen: A list of users that shouldn't be selectable.
  • chosen_visible: Whether to display the disabled chosen users or hide them.
  • set_id_value: The selector of an input or element to update with the user id.
  • set_name_value: The selector of an input or element to update with the user name.
  • set_email_value: The selector of an input or element to update with the user email.
  • set_mailto: The selector of a link to set the mailto: value for.


{! user/util/userchooser !}

<input type=""text"" id=""user-id"" size=""30"" /><br />
<a href=""#"" id=""user-link"">email</a><br />
<input type=""submit"" id=""browse"" value=""{""Browse""}"" />

$(function () {
    $('#browse').click (function () {
        $.userchooser ({
            set_id_value: '#user-id',
            set_name_value: '#user-link',
            set_mailto: ' #user-link',
            callback: function (id, name, email) {
                console.log (id);
                console.log (name);
                console.log (email);


Available by including the user/util/userchooser handler.

Font Awesome

Elefant provides a helper for including the Font Awesome icon set.


{! admin/util/fontawesome !}

<p><i class=""icon-cogs""></i> {""Settings""}</p>


Available by including the admin/util/fontawesome handler.


Elefant provides a helper for including the Redactor wysiwyg editor.


{! admin/util/redactor !}

<textarea id=""edit-me""></textarea>
$(function () {
    $('#edit-me').redactor ({
        // redactor options


Available by including the admin/util/redactor handler.

Redactor + Integrations

In addition to the Redactor helper, Elefant includes a second helper to include the Redactor wysiwyg editor with all of the Elefant integration options enabled.

These include file and thumbnail browsers, internal link selection, autosave support, and the Dynamic Objects embed menu.


This helper will automatically initialize itself on the specified element. If no field_id is provided, it will assume webpage-body.

{! admin/util/wysiwyg?field_id=webpage-body !}

<textarea id=""webpage-body""></textarea>

Or you can include it and initialize it manually by setting the field_id to 0:

{! admin/util/wysiwyg?field_id=0 !}

<textarea id=""edit-me""></textarea>

$(function () {
    $('#edit-me').wysiwyg ();


Available by including the admin/util/wysiwyg handler.

Custom Fields

Elefant provides a very straight-forward way of including custom fields in forms that act on ExtendedModel-based classes.


  1. Add this to your form view template:

    {! admin/util/extended?extends=myappModelName !}

For update forms, pass the extended field values as well:

{! admin/util/extended?extends=myappModelName&values=[extra|none] !}
  1. For update forms, call this in the form handler function, before calling $model->put ():

    $model->update_extended ();

  2. Create a link to edit the custom fields for a given class somewhere in your app:

    {""Custom Fields""}


Available by including the admin/util/extended handler. See usage section for more details.

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