Comparison to Sitellite: Internationalization

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Elefant borrows its main ideas here from Sitellite as well, but renames them. In Sitellite, to translate a string, you would use:


echo __ ('My string');


In Elefant, you would say:


echo __ ('My string');


intl_getf() also becomes __ (), just include the additional parameters:


echo __ ('Not found: %s', $thing_thats_not_found);


Template strings

In Sitellite templates, you would translate text like this:

{intl My string}

In Elefant, this becomes:

{""My string""}

Translation files

Elefant supports the same translation file formats as Sitellite, in a lang folder instead of inc/lang, as well as the same ability to set default languages, fallbacks, and negotiation methods. For more info, see Internationalization.

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