Code example: Sending email

You can use the Mailer class (based on Zend_Mail which our benchmarks show is the leanest email package) to easily and reliably send emails.



// Using Mailer::send() as a wrapper:
$mail = Mailer::send (array (
    'to'          => array ('', 'Joe User'),
    'from'        => array ('', 'Alternate Sender'),
    'cc'          => array ('', 'CC This Guy'),
    'bcc'         => array ('', 'BCC This Guy'),
    'reply_to'    => array ('', 'Reply to This Guy'),
    'subject'     => 'Subject line',
    'text'        => 'This is a plain text message.',
    'html'        => 'This is an <b>html</b> message.',
    'attachments' => array (
        'File data...',
        // or
        new Zend_Mime_Part ('File data...')

// Using the Zend_Mail object directly:
$mail = Mailer::getInstance ();
$mail->setBodyText ('This is an email message.');
$mail->setSubject ('Subject line');
$mail->addTo ('', 'Joe User');
// Etc.
$mail->send ();


Error handling

Since Mailer is a simple wrapper around Zend_Mail, it does not catch exceptions thrown by Zend_Mail for you. To handle errors, use the following pattern:


// Using Mailer::send() as a wrapper:
try {
    $mail = Mailer::send (array (
        'to'          => array ('', 'Joe User'),
        'from'        => array ('', 'Alternate Sender'),
        'subject'     => 'Subject line',
        'text'        => 'This is a plain text message.'
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // Handle mail error


PHP email library benchmarks

Benchmark source:

Memory usage for initializing and sending a single email message through the default Sendmail transport method:

  • Baseline mail() - 632 KB
  • PHPMailer - 1862 KB
  • Swift Mailer - 3641 KB
  • Zend_Mail - 1511 KB

Clearly, Zend_Mail is by far the most efficient email library of those we tested.

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