Form handling

Form handling in Elefant is done through the Form class. The Form class provides an elegant API for handling forms, while performing multiple levels of validation for you automatically, including:

  • Referrer and request method validation
  • Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) prevention
  • Server-side input validation via the Validator class
  • Client-side input validation via the jQuery.verify_values plugin

Basic usage

The simplest usage of the Form class would be as follows:


// create a POST form and inject the Controller
$form = new Form ('post', $this);

// pass a function to handle the submitted form
echo $form->handle (function ($form) {
    // form handling goes here
    info ($_POST);


And the corresponding view template:

<form method="post" id="{{_form}}">

    {"Your name"}:<br />
    <input type="text" name="name" value="{{name|quotes}}" />
    <span class="notice" id="name-notice">{"Please enter your name."}</span>



A couple things to note in the template:

  1. The id="{{_form}}" sets a dynamic ID value that is used internally for referring to the form
  2. Adding a .notice class and an ID attribute of the form ${fieldname}-notice to a tag turns it into a validation notice. These will be shown or hidden automatically.

And finally, the corresponding validation rules:

; <?php /*

not empty = 1

; */ ?>

This simply says that the name field should not be empty. For more about validation rules, see here.

To run this example, save these three files with the following names:

  • apps/myapp/handlers/myform.php
  • apps/myapp/views/myform.html
  • apps/myapp/forms/myform.php

Now you should be able to see a working form at the URL /myapp/myform on your site. You should see a form with a single input, and when you submit the form the output should look like this:

    [name] => Joe

Notice that if you submit the form without filling it in, you will receive a client-side validation notice.

Dynamic default values

To pass default values to the form dynamically, such as data from an existing database record, you can set the $form->data property to any object or associative array like this:

$form->data = array (
    'name' => 'Andy'

If you refresh the form, the name field should now appear with a default value of Andy.

Alternate views

You'll notice the names of the files correspond with each other. By default, the Form object uses the name of the handler to automatically connect a view template and a validation file. This helps cut down on the necessary boilerplate for building a form.

To change the view template used to render a form, set the $form->view property like this:

$form->view = 'myapp/alternate_view';

This will cause it to render the form with the template apps/myapp/views/alternate_view.html.

Next: Input validation

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