Writing dynamic custom fields

Elefant makes it easy to add dynamic data to your custom fields by defining a class with a callback method that supplies the dynamic data to a field.

A conf/fields.php file in your app tells Elefant that your app defines new field types that should be available in the Custom Fields forms.

Here is what a custom field type looks like in PHP:

<?php // apps/myapp/lib/Category.php

namespace myapp;

class Category {
    public static function fetch_list ($class, $id = null) {
        // replace with a dynamic database call
        return array (
            'general' => 'General',
            'health' => 'Health'


This example just returns a hard-coded array, but you can replace that with a database call or another external data source. You can also use the $class and $id values to filter the data. Note that the $id will be null when a form is adding content instead of editing existing content.

To link this to the Custom Fields forms, enter the following in your conf/fields.php:

; <?php /*


name = "MyAPP: Categories"
type = select
callback = "myapp\Category::fetch_list"

; */ ?>

When you visit one of the Custom Fields forms in the Elefant admin, you should see your new field type in the type list.

Next: PHPUnit and testing

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