Users and access control

Elefant provides a flexible but very simple solution for providing role-based access control (RBAC). End users define roles under the Tools > Users > Roles admin screen, based on the roles defined by the apps that are installed on the site.

Defining your resources

To define custom resources for your app, create a conf/acl.php file in your app that looks like this:

; <?php /*

myapp           = "Access My App"
myapp/feature-x = "Modify feature X"

; */ ?>

This defines two new resources, one matching the app itself, and the second representing a specific feature in the app. Save this file and you'll see these are immediately available in the role add/edit forms under Tools > Users > Roles.

Verifying access rights

To verify that the current user can access one or more resources only takes a single line of code:


$this->require_acl ('admin', 'myapp');

// carry on, the user is verified


This verifies that the current user can access the admin and myapp resources. You may specify any number of resources in a single call. If any fails, the user will be sent to /admin where they can log in as an administrator, or if they're logged in already, they'll simply see the homepage of the site.

This behaviour is okay for most cases, but sometimes you may need to take specific action, such as sending an AJAX error, which you can do like this:


if (! User::require_acl ('admin', 'myapp')) {
    echo $this->restful_error (__ ('Forbidden'), 403);

// carry on, the user is verified


You can also include this in a condition in your view templates:

{% if User::require_acl ('admin', 'myapp', 'myapp/feature-x') %}
    <a href="/myapp/feature-x">{"Feature X"}</a>
{% end %}

For more info on managing users and roles, see the User and Acl classes.

Convenience methods

There are two additional methods you'll see used in Elefant for access control, which are:

$this->require_admin ();

Which is an alias for:

$this->require_acl ('admin');


$this->require_login ();

Which wraps User::require_login() and instead redirects unauthorized users to /user/login instead of /admin.

Next: Caching

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