Code conventions

Elefant uses the following conventions for all core libraries and apps:

Naming conventions

  • Classes start with capitals and use camel case
  • Methods, functions, and properties should be lowercase and use underscores (like Ruby and Python)

Tabs, not spaces

Elefant code should be indented with tabs, not spaces. This way, individual developers can adjust their editor settings to the amount of indentation they prefer.

Braces and spacing

Elefant code should use trailing braces instead of putting them on their own lines. Put a space before open braces and between operators, for example:


function foo_bar ($foo = false) {
    if (! $foo) {
        // etc.


Use JavaDoc-style commenting for describing classes and methods, and use double-slashes for inline comments.

Comments describing classes, methods, and properties should use the Markdown format for formatting text.

A complete example

For reference, here is a complete example class in the recommended style:


namespace myapp;

 * Class description here.
class FooBar {
     * A property.
    public $name = 'Default value';

     * A method.
    public function set_name ($new_name) {
        $this->name = $new_name;

Note: PHP closing tags should not be included and files should end with a blank line.

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